
Rabu, 13 Maret 2013


This is a story about what happens when you find the true love. The story of first love and last love. The story of the third President of Indonesia and the mother country. The story of Habibie and Ainun.

Rudy Habibie an aircraft expert genius who has a big dream: to devote the Indonesian people by making trucks fly to unify Indonesia. While Ainun was a smart young doctor with a career path wide open for him.

In 1962, two junior colleagues met again in Bandung. Habibie fell in love with him instantly on Ainun. But Ainun, he did not just fall in love, her faith in the vision and dream Habibie. They got married and flew to Germany.

Have dreams will never be easy. Ainun and Habibie knew it. Love the way they wake up to realize the dream. The cold snow German, sacrifice, pain, loneliness and temptations of wealth and power as they return to Indonesia accompany the journey of two lives into one.

For Habibie, Ainun is everything. Ainun are his eyes. For Ainun Habibie is everything, filling story in her life. But every story has a end, every dream has a limit. Then at one point, two soul mates realized. Are able to continue their love will last forever?

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